The 2024 Legislative Session ended earlier this March and I wanted to take a moment to go over some of what we were able to accomplish this session!
The number one job of a State Representative is to pass the budget. Additionally, we are currently able to sponsor 7 bills, cosponsor any number of bills and request appropriations for organizations in our district, or who serve our district.
This session we were able to pass a bill, co-sponsored 66 bills, was instrumental in updating statue and had over three hundred constituent meetings!
We also had five Ceremonial Resolutions Adopted and filed a whopping twelve appropriation projects which equaled a request of over twenty million dollars.
I had over thirty committee meetings, where we heard presentations from state agencies, as well as bills that will impact our district and the state. We spent over ninety hours on the house floor; hearing bills, filing amendment, and debating in support or opposition of legislation.
It was a busy and productive session and I was honored and proud to serve the great District 44 in the Florida House.
I look forward to continued service and and the keep the fight as we move into the next election.
In service,
